Our mission is simple


Making Social Investments And Shaping Narratives

The forces of development are too complex, subtle and insufficiently known to yield simple formulas. 

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A network of over 42 co-conspirators and strategic partners around the world

What we do

Opportunities allow for people to fulfill their own dreams with agency and dignity. Our work recognises that for people and communities, opportunities come in many shades. We use our strategic investments in food security and agribusiness value addition to weave opportunities that acknowledge intersectionality and enable systems change for the world’s most marginalised groups. Our philosophy on opportunities is best described by a quote from Audre Lorde, “There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.”

Narratives shape our perceptions, which in turn form our realities. Those realities influence our attitudes and our actions. We believe narratives, storytelling and thought leadership are one of the most powerful ways to influence and inspire thought and action in a manner that seeks to advance human progress. Our commitment to this is represented by our investments in Peacock Village as a space and platform for the arts, global thinkers, and creators.

We take what we are seeing and learning, to shape and provide advice, information, data and rigorous analysis to those interested in understanding the political-economy and social investment context. We offer world class strategy and insights powered by knowledge for our clients to achieve high feasible growth and effective strategies for measuring and maximising impact. Our diverse networks are heavily invested in the knowledge economy and pursuing a better version of the world. We distinguish ourselves as advisors whose resources are also invested in the markets and context in which we advise.


Measuring what matters is how we define success.


Insights we love to share

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: How to help Africa? Do business there

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“Being a survivor now, I realized I was not educated or aware about what breast cancer actually was and how it impacted and affected people.”

Rena Hart
Breast Cancer Survivor & Caridad Supporter

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